Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sign this petition to raise your voice against Monsanto!

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is on the verge of granting Monsanto permission to market its genetically modified alfalfa, despite findings that show almost certain danger of the spread of modified genetic material to conventional and organic alfalfa crops.

This is so important! Monsanto has all the lawyers and power in the world, and they are truly the epitome of a truly evil corporation. They are changing the entire face of modern agriculture to suit their needs and profits. They are not the benign "let's feed the world together" bullshit entity they claim to be. What kind of company can sue individual farmers (and win) who refuse to use their genetically-engineered Roundup immune seeds because "their patented genetic material" ie. pollen, happens to be carried on the wind to pollinate their non-engineered crops. Sign this petition now!

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