Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Chickens of the Future!

Wow! Check out the uber-mod chicken coops they have at Not cheap, but definitely cool in a Jetsonian kind of way. I still don't think I cna sell Marc on them, but they definitely look cool.

BTW, Urban Homesteading: Your guide to self sufficient living in the heart of the city by Kelly Coyne and Erik Knutzen. A must read!! I know I have raved about it in previous posts, but it really is very interesting and helpful. Lots of practical information, and it explains HOW to do this stuff, which a lot of sites don't do.

I cannot believe how much snow we have right now. It's crazy. Even just since this morning. I grew up in Upstate New York, and even for that area, this is an absurd amount of snow. I'm off again tomorrow, so it's back to the shoveling in the AM. I don't mind, I have a bit of cabin fever, and all we have been doing is sitting around the house eating for the last 5 days. Oh yeah, and seed catalogs... lots of seed catalogs.

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