So here it is, the new blog. I've started this blog to document some of the fun, non-baby related stuff I do. I have another blog about my daily adventures with my two year old daughter Olive ( and I am hoping that I am able to keep up with both.
So a little bit about me... let's see. For my dayjob, I manage a Historic restoration/decorative painting company in Baltimore. We work in a lot of historic Churches & government buildings in DC and Baltimore. My job keeps me pretty busy. Although I am in no way organized in my own personal life, I have a knack for managing projects and staying one step ahead of whatever needs to be done to make sure the job runs smoothly. I manage crews on jobsites, work with contractors, and make sure everyone has what they need and knows what they're supposed to be doing. It's never that simple, but it's always different. I like working on messy jobsites with scaffolding... it's like a huge jungle gym. Currently, my husband is also working with me, running one of our DC jobsites. Surprisingly, we work very well together. (Everyone always asks me that.)
In my spare time, ha ha, I have many other interests. Usually on weekends I can be found taking on some sort of ambitious project. Lately I have been working on mosaics, and I am taking a Botanical Sculpture class. Also, since it's the peak of summer, I've been canning and making jam & working in my garden. I grow vegetables and flowers. The vegetable garden is relatively new... I have taken over part of the driveway with a patchwork of planters & pots. It is incredibly satisfying and I absolutely love it. I also draw and paint, and I like to work on the house, although fortunately most of that is more or less done.
Let's see, so this weekend I finished up my fish mosaic I had started (I'll post some pictures) and went blueberry picking with Marc and Olive. We picked over 11 pounds! I don't know what I'm going to do with all of them. My neighbor Mary and I made jam and pies last night. I have 14 jars of jam. I have ambitions for the State Fair this year... I am entering jam and pickles. We'll see. I have a feeling these people are freakishly competitive, but I'm going to give it a shot anyway.
So, here it is. Hopefully I can keep up with this. I am hoping it will foster my creative spirit to do more stuff. Lately, I've been feeling really good and have had lots of ideas for stuff to make, and I am hoping to keep that going. In the mean time, I guess I should get back to work.