Sunday, January 17, 2010

This week's small accomplishment

Well, I did manage to make a hat this week. I've been pretty down on myself lately for not being able to get anything done, so this was kind of nice thing for me. Hats are quick and easy, and you feel like you've really done something.

Work lately has just been grueling; I think more emotionally and mentally that physically for me anyway, so by the time the weekend comes around, I am so exhausted I spend the whole time recuperating. My boss is just crazy. Without getting into a rant, I just feel like besides the accounting/payroll/financial aspects of it, I do everything and I have no one to help me. It's just a huge responsibility, and I feel like when I come home I just can't shut my brain off. That's why the knitting is good, it's just busy work for your brain, and it's totally addictive.

I was also squealing like a little girl this week when my seeds arrived from Quebec. It made me sooooo happy, I can't wait to start them in a few weeks. I think I'm going to plant some stuff at Marnie's house too. We'll see. I want to build a raised bed once the MG is sold, which is hopefully happening soon. We're making progress... Marc has taken pictures of it so he can make a flyer about it. It will happen eventually. I must remain positive!

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