Work lately has just been grueling; I think more emotionally and mentally that physically for me anyway, so by the time the weekend comes around, I am so exhausted I spend the whole time recuperating. My boss is just crazy. Without getting into a rant, I just feel like besides the accounting/payroll/financial aspects of it, I do everything and I have no one to help me. It's just a huge responsibility, and I feel like when I come home I just can't shut my brain off. That's why the knitting is good, it's just busy work for your brain, and it's totally addictive.
I was also squealing like a little girl this week when my seeds arrived from Quebec. It made me sooooo happy, I can't wait to start them in a few weeks. I think I'm going to plant some stuff at Marnie's house too. We'll see. I want to build a raised bed once the MG is sold, which is hopefully happening soon. We're making progress... Marc has taken pictures of it so he can make a flyer about it. It will happen eventually. I must remain positive!
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