Monday, January 4, 2010

Back from NY

Back from a freezing weekend in Ithaca, and it is no warmer here. We did have a nice tome visiting the family, and it was great for everyone to get to see Olive since she's growing so fast. We went sledding at the Cornell plantations on New Year's Day, which was great. What a fun way to start the year. I just can't believe how cold it is here!! It's not usually this cold. All I do now is gaze at my seed catalogs and dream of warm soil. I can't wait to start my tomato seeds... I have to discipline myself and not start them until after Feb. 1st though. I try to hold out for Valentine's day if I can. I am trying to get Marc's MG sold, since it is taking up prime tomato real estate in the driveway. It's hard to hide my real motivations.

I am thinking of trying a different type of zucchini this summer... Territorial seeds has a variety called Partenon, which is parthenocarpic, meaning self-pollinating, which is good, because I ran into problems with that last summer. Not enough bees around, and I ended up having to pollinate squach blossoms inteh mornigns with an artist brush. The catch is they are $8.40 for ten seeds, which seems outrageous to me, but I guess it's worth it, and really, it is only $8.40, in the grand scheme of things not so bad.

Our hot water heater had gone out at some point this weekend... I tooka tepid shower yesterday, but I thought it was just cold in the house. This morning Marc went to take a shower and there was no hot water, and when I checked it, it was out. I relit it and it's running now, I'm just glad we didn't have any carbon monoxide problems. We have a detector in our room, but still, that stuff is scary. Hopefully I can take a nice hot shower in a few minutes. In fact, I should probably go do that before Olive gets up.


  1. My seed catalogs are about a month earlier this year. I lie in bed at night and read them cover to cover, but they make me hungry and it's hard to sleep when my stomach is growling!

    I think those parthenocarpic seeds are probably worth the money- I've had trouble the last couple of years, too- I have a paintbrush dedicated to pollination. It would be interesting to know who developed them. Still, Territorial Seed is one of the good guys. They do buy some Monsanto/ Semanis seeds but will supply you with a list of those seeds if you request it.

  2. I got a catalog from "Abundant Life Seeds" (it almost seems like a sister company of Territorial or something; lots of the same products) and they have Partenon seeds that are 5 for $4.25. I may do that since I only need a couple anyway. I still gotta tackle my bigger problem, which is getting the MG out of the driveway!
