Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Seed Catalogs!!!

Seeds are ordered!!! I got them online at a place called Solana Seeds out of Quebec. I have never seen so many kinds of tomatoes. I get the totally tomatoes catalog too, and they didn't have nearly as many varieties as this place did.

I don't know if I mentioned it, but there was a kind of tomato that I saw at the Cornell Plantations Heritage Garden last summer that was like unlike anything I've ever seen. It's a saggy pear shape, very convoluted, almost like a plastic bag full of water hanging from something. So, I contacted the Plantations and a very nice guy returned my email and told me it's a variety called Tlocolula, it's from Mexico. Anyway, this place happened to have those seeds. I got six or eight different kinds of tomatoes, plus a rare melon and some purple tomatillos. I got some "Speckled Roman" and "San Marzano" as paste tomatoes, a yellow and red striped one called "Striped Boar," a greek variety called "Thessalonika", some "Striped Turkish" and another "Micro" tomato like last year only these are yellow. I also got some dwarf ones to go in the window boxes on the deck. They are only supposed to get 8-12" high. I think there are a few more I'm forgetting at the moment.

There's something about the cold that just makes me obsess about seeds and gardening. I guess it stands to reason. It was only 33 Degrees here all day with a 25 mph wind. Coming home to a mailbox full of seed catalogs totally made my day.

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