Friday, December 18, 2009

Almost Christmas?

Good News! The paint we have been scraping for a week at the Church was tested and is not lead! Yay! Of course, this begs the question of why were we scraping anything without definitive proof from an independent lab that there wasn't lead in the paint, but that's another story. So that's good.

Not too much going on otherwise. I have been so scattered lately from work projects that I just feel stupid. I was staring to wonder if it was lead paint... now I know it's just garden variety stress. I haven't done one single thing for Christmas yet. We put up a tree, and then I sadly thought to myself that I really didn't have anything to put under it. Hopefully I can get some time to go shopping, although I can't spend much. I also prefer to shop online, but now it's too late to have anything shipped, so I have doomed myself to fending my way through crowded parking lots.

I resisted the urge to buy a bunch of tile the other night. I found some awesome stuff, I just refused to let myself buy $60 worth of miscellaneous tile without any plan as to what to do with it. Not right now. I am trying to focus on one piece and buy what I need to complete that, and stick to one at a time. Otherwise it just becomes a jumbled mess in the basement, much like most of my other projects.

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