Saturday, December 19, 2009

It's a snowday!

Well, when you're supposed to get 18" of snow, what better reason is there to dig up the last of the carrots? These purple ones are really sweet too. I realized that the dirt in my containers was totally frozen solid, so I poured warm water over it to get the carrots out. I dug up this one crazy looking carrot which I think looks kind of cool. It probably means I have nematodes or something in the soil.

Last night I made a really good Korean carrot salad of my own creation, using that Benriner mandoline shredder I got. (recommended by Ilex) I never really measure anything, so this is a rough recipe that you can adjust however you want.

Finely shed the carrots lengthwise into teeny matchsticks. Sauce: Rice wine vinegar, sesame seed oil, brown sugar and kosher salt. Mix until the sugar and salt dissolve. Add ginger (I used powdered, but minced fresh ginger is even better) and chili garlic sauce and pour over carrots, tossing to coat. Even better when you let them sit for a day or so.

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