Saturday, December 19, 2009

Too Soon?

So, we now have over 18" of snow on the ground here. What's the logical thing to do? Start obsessing about what kinds of tomatoes to grow next summer, of course! I contacted a guy at the Cornell plantations about a kind of tomato I had never seen before that they had at the heirloom vegetable garden last summer. They were so helpful! He gave me the name and even where to buy the seeds. Very cool. It's called Tlacolula. I'm sure I will be growing some in the near future.
On a side not, I delved into the pickles I started a few weeks ago in the basement and they are FABULOUS!!!! I think I'm definitely on to something with this whole lacto-fermentation bit. I've got to go get some sleep... plenty of snow to shovel tomorrow.

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