Sunday, April 25, 2010

Season Opener

Here it is! the official first look at the 2010 Vegetable garden, 4/25/10. Raised beds are in, trellises are built. So, what's in so far? Bed 1 has 4 lacinato kale, some onions, french breakfast radishes, 5 color silver beet Swiss chard, bull's blood beets, rondo di ponghi carrots, masai pole green beans, a tiny patch of dill, and my giant Thessaloniki tomato. The other bed with the large trellis has cucumbers, (Marketmore and Space Master) Minnesota Midget cantaloupes, lettuce, onions, cilantro, dill, Swiss chard, carrots and spinach. All the melons aren't in yet, they are still inside in peat pots. I'm trying to decide if I want to try one of my Delice de la Table melons on the trellis or not... I'm afraid they will be too heavy, even if I hang them in a sling. I haven't planted the third bed yet, I am waiting for it to get a bit warmer. I think I will have two zucchinis in there, along with some other stuff. I got one of each of 8 varieties of tomatoes in, they all seem to be doing well so far. The wall-0-waters worked great, but I did decide to take them off before they got too big. I could see them becoming slimy and mosquito ridden and hard to deal with later on. The tomatoes that were in those had a bunch of suckers going becuase I wasn't able to get in there and prune them off. I got rid of some, but left one or two of the really big ones. They should be OK. They look really full and lush. Now it just needs to get warmer. It's supposed to be cool and rainy until Wednesday. I guess it will just give transplants some good adjustment time.

I got hooks and hung up the extension ladder and the big galvanized tub on the side of the shed. I raked out all the leaves and cleaned up all the brush that was stored back there. I am trying to make it the least rat friendly as possible back there. I also got the lawn mowed yesterday, so that looks good. I still need to make a dump run and go get a load of mulch and put it around, but for now, I'm happy with what I've managed to get done. I made some progress with the house; Marc took Olive out for awhile and I was able to bring down stuff from the attic and sort through it. I am giving a bunch of stuff to Goodwill. We have the community yard sale in a few weeks and I am trying to get rid of as much as I can. I'm tired of the clutter.

I think I'm just kind of taking stock of everything and weeding out because it gives me a feeling of control; I've been so upset about work these past few weeks and I am trying ot stay focused on other things so it doesn't consume me. I'm trying to just go with it. I keep telling myself to just do the work and get paid and not worry about it. I'm just in one of those phases where I am questioning everything; maybe I should be doing someting else entirely; maybe I should relocate. (Although the thought of moving and leaving my garden behind is unthinkable) Just when I think it's all going to be over and I'll be free to start something new, it just drags on a little longer. Maybe that's not such a bad thing; the logical part of my brain is saying so. I don't have any other options at this point, so it's better than nothing, it's just more of the same. I just wonder which is worse. OK, I'm whining. Enough. I'm going to go see what I can round up for dinner.

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