Saturday, May 1, 2010

Garden Progress

Today, beautiful. Finally! I feel like I can finally really relax. I love sitting out on the deck in the evenings and being totally comfortable, not chilly. I like to have the windows open at night, and hear the slight ticking noise of the ceiling fan. It's fantastic.

Today I planted some of the cucumbers and melons I had started inside. They were outside for two days, not much hardening off, but I think they will be OK. Generally cukes and squash don't do well when transplanted, so I like to get them in the ground as soon as I can so there's the least amount of disturbance to their roots. I think this bamboo trellis is going to be a thing of wonder this summer. I can't wait to see what it looks like covered in melons and cucumbers! I got all the tomatoes in; I still have 8 I need to find homes for, but I think I can do it. A guy from work who is another big veggie gardener is bringing me some sort of orange heirloom he got in PA somewhere. I gave him some kale, some rhubarb and two tomatoes. The onions are coming up too, they are so cute! No sign of the beans yet, which is a little unusual, but it's been pretty cold before today, so I'm sure they will be up soon. I'm just impatient.

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