Friday, May 28, 2010

The Rodger's Forge Farm Initiative

A much much much needed long weekend is almost here... I can't wait to go piddle around in the garden and possibly make some cheese. I know, I'm a wild woman. Some day I want my eulogy to read, "When she wasn't eating mustard directly from the jar, she loved pole dancing and making State Fair winning jams..."
(Pole dancing ROCKS by the way)

So, I found the Rodger's Forge Farm Initiative online. Very cool! I had no idea such a thing existed. They are just a collective of people growing food in their yards. They said they are facing some resistance from the community association for gardening in their front yards. You see, this is why I live in Idlewylde. (Next neighborhood over; slightly less Stepford-like)

I remember our realtor telling us (when we mentioned looking for houses in Rodger's Forge) "Are you kidding?! One look at that tattoo and they 'll be chasing you down the street with lacrosse sticks!" and boy was he right. I'd be rioting if anyone told me I couldn't garden in my own yard. I'd rip out the grass and plant a cornfield. No no, you're supposed to have a vast expanse of green grass, like a good middle class american household. A vast expanse of desert wasteland as far as bees are concerned. A waste of water. If you're going to water it, you should be able to eat it. Yeah, it's a good thing I don't live there. I wonder how they'd feel about chickens? :)

1 comment:

  1. Are you getting chickens?! May as well keep a goat too!
