Thursday, May 27, 2010

Perhaps a new title is in order

I think instead of "Pickles to Paint: The creative endeavors of my spare time" my blog title should read, "Pickles to Paint: My ever increasing obsession with homesteading, sustainable organic farming and the local food revolution!!!" Is that too much? I just joined the Hamilton Crop Circle group and the Roger's Forge Farming blog. Hamilton Tavern is installing a huge rooftop garden this spring. It looks fantastic. Who knew?

I'm back to the cheesemaking obsession. (at least while I'm waiting for my Bokashi composting supplies to arrive) I think I might try some blue cheese next. I also found a recipe for Greek Haloumi cheese (and a related haloumi cheese-stuffed bread) that I think might make a good weekend project, you know, in my "free" time.

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