Monday, November 23, 2009


Seriously, I just saw a ghost. Really. Well, not literally. I was up on the scaffolding at a bid meeting at First and Franklin Church in Baltimore. There is all this crazy baroque ornamental plaster everywhere. On one of these giant corbels I found names inscribed:

J. Bardarop
H. Green
H. Cross
Gas Fitters
April 29, 1859

I LOVE stuff like that. That is so cool. No one's seen that for years and years. What were those guys doing that day? Were they on a lunch break? Who were they? It was just one little moment that became frozen in time. I'm sure they never imagined that someone 150 years in the future (let alone a woman) would be looking at it and wondering who they were. Think about how different the City was then. The Civil War hadn't happened yet. I love that construction workers are more or less the same now as they were 150 years ago. I know I'm a big dork, but stuff like that sends chills down my spine. So cool.

1 comment:

  1. That is so cool. I used to live in Baltimore (attended college there), and I found random old stuff all the time. Baltimore seeps history that way. I miss that town.
