Tuesday, August 18, 2009

102 fucking degrees in my office right now

Yes, It's actually 102 degrees. In my office. I just checked the thermometer. So, factor in 48% humidity, and it feels like its, well, really fucking hot. Unreal. This has to be against some sort of government regulation. I think I've lost 3 pounds today.

Anyway, on the note of sweltering heat, I have to go home and make jam and can tomatoes tonight. No better way to cool off than to spend a few hours in the kitchen over a vat of boiling water! Yay! Actually, I have to turn in my State Fair entries on Thursday, and I still haven't made the peach jam that I already signed myself up for. I did have Kate make me some nifty labels for the jars though... I'm hoping that will give me a bit of a competetive edge. We'll see.

As for the tomatoes, I had a pile of them when I came back from vacation, and then a friend of mine had a ton of them and gave me another huge bagful. I'm not going crazy with making some elaborate spaghetti sauce though. I think I'm just going to peel and seed them, chop them a little and add some basil to it. I can add garlic and onion and all that other stuff later when I go to cook it. Before we left for th ebeach I took the bunch of tomatoes I had and just cored them, blanched them to peel them, and threw them in a quart ziploc bag in the freezer. This worked really well too, but I will run out of freezer space if I keep that up.

I've had one tomato plant that since the beginning has looked different from the others; the leaves are wider and less lobed. Now it's finally ripening up and the tomatoes are this lovely soft pink color. It is definitely not one of the Rutgers tomatoes, so something got mixed up somewhere. It's really pretty, I wish I knew what kind it was. I think I'll save some of it's seeds for next year. Maybe I've discovered the next big thing in tomatoes.

I am hoping I can get back to my hippo tang soon, I haven't worked on it in a week and I miss it. Olive seems to be especially whiny in the evenings lately, which makes evenings tough.

I did manage to make some homemade yogurt last night, so I can have that for dinner tonight with fresh cucumbers I just picked. I used the organic whole milk I got at the Farmer's Market Sunday. Yummy!

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