Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Thinset Set back

Argh. I should have known better than to use the old bag of Thinset that's been sitting in my basement forever. I spent 3 hours the other night setting tiles on the fish mosaic. This morning I went out and saw that the excess Thinset in the cup I had was still soft. Not a good sign. Sure enough, all the tiles started popping off a the slightest provocation. So, I decided to chalk it up as a loss and scrape them all off and start over. I hated to do it, but I'd rather fix it now or it will just make a huge mess later on. So anyway, I drove to Fenwick Island yesterday and bought a new bag, and last night I started piecing it back together. I didn't get it all back to where I was, but this morning, the tiles I did get on there are solid as rocks. So, that's good. It's so tempting (for me anyway) to be totally half assed, but I'm glad I made myself fix it. We're on vacation this week in Bethany Beach with Marc's family. It's nice to A) Not be at work, and B) to have time to work on my mosaic. Yay! I'll get some more in progress shots up soon...

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