Friday, August 28, 2009


I made homemade mozzarella last night! Yummy. It's easier than it sounds. It's one of those things where you think it's going to be a total disaster, and then at some moment you realize it's working, and voila, there's cheese. Food science is pretty cool stuff.

Here's the link to the 30 minute recipe:

If Olive isn't a total wreck when I pick her up tonight, I want to go to the State Fair and see how the judging went for the jams...

I was giving the mosaic fountain some more thought, but I've decided I need to finish the hippo tang mosaic first, before I start anything new. See that? Commitment. Besides, that's a better one for winter so I can set it up in the yard in spring. I decided to go back to the glue option rather than the Thinset to attach the tiles and it is soooooo much easier. Less mess, easier to control. All the tiles are level and even. Yeah, I think glue is the way to go.

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