Tuesday, August 25, 2009

7 State Fair entries!

So, I dropped everything off at the Sate Fair yesterday. I couldn't believe how nervous I was! It was a bunch of little old ladies mostly. (Shocker) Of course, nowhere on the website or entry form does it say no labels on the jars, nor that you must provide the recipe for Bread and Butter pickles. Anyway, the woman was nice enough to let me take the labels off (which came off easily, thank God) and then clean the tops of the lids off with nail polish remover to get rid of the stickiness (which they pointed out would count against me). I managed to remember most of the recipe for the pickles, although they told me it didn't need to be exact. In the "Fruit Conserve: other " category, the did go, "Ooh, 'Mango Rhubarb!' " So I think it's unique. The judging is Wednesday morning, and then the place opens Friday and you can go in and see the results. I'm not sure how that works... if they open them to taste them, then put them on display for ten days unrefrigerated? I guess I'll figure it out.

I left there feeling proud of myself for actually doing it, but also feeling like I am way out of my league. However, it's just jam. I don't expect to win anything, I just wanted to enter so I could say I did. So who knows. I guess I'll find out Friday!

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