Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Still bored at work.

I hope I can work on the fish tonight after Olive goes to bed. Marc's got band paractice. I've got some gardening to do... things are past their prime and ready for the compost pile. The back yard is totally overgrown. I also have to figure out what to do with the damn guppies in all my planters. I put them in there this spring to help control the mosquito larvae, and they have thrived in the dark muck of the planter reservoir. I cleaned one out last week, and where there once were 6, there were probably 20 now. Yikes. I told myself when I put them in there that I'd just let them freeze when winter came, but I think we all know that's a big joke. I can put some in the little kitchen fishtank... as pets. And some may make it to Jim's cichlid tank... as food. C'est la vie.

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