Thursday, September 10, 2009

Now what?

So, my two State Fair ribbons are being proudly displayed in the kitchen. I still haven't deposited my $9 check yet, probably because I haven't decided what to splurge on with my prize winnings. So, I was agonizing over what to do withall the State Fair entries... I mean, they were basically opened and then stored at room temperature for 13+ days. I'm sure the judges used new spoons with every jar, right? I was looking online to try to find answers and of course they were all over the map. Some people said they never stored jam in the refrigerator, even after opening it, (eew) and someone else said they threw away anything that had been unrefrigerated for a half hour or more. (A little extreme, I think) Someone was saying that their grandparents kept mayo in the cabinet. Yikes. Anyway, I couldn't bring myself to throw it all out, so I made Marc do it. I hate wasting food, especially food I made. Better safe than sorry I guess.

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