Monday, September 21, 2009

Native plants, work woes

I did make it to the Herring Run Watershed Association's native plant sale on saturday and got all the stuff I wanted. It was a bitch to dig in that part of the yard though; it's all maple roots. But I planted one bottlebrush buckeye (shrub) and two Oakleaf pee wee hydrangeas, and I got my dwarf red buckeye, although it's only about 12" high at this point. I hope it can compete with the maple roots. I also planted the royal catchfly plants, and I added some sand to the soil to help with drainage there. I have a lot of maintenance stuff to do, cutting down the tomatoes, composting, packing up for the winter. I did plant some lettuce, but the damned squirrels keep digging it up, (little shits) so I have to get a cover for it. In a few more weeks I'll plant some garlic to overwinter.

Work is freaking me out a bit. Maybe more than a bit. We are really slow and don't really have anything looming on the horizon. We've been slow before, but it's usually because we're waiting for some project to start. Now, who knows. My boss doesn't seem concerned, so I guess I won't be either. That might not be the best plan, if you can even call it that, but it's all I can really do for right now. I realized that I really shouldn't talk about my work worries at home because it totally freaks Marc out, and I don't want to stress him out. It helps me to talk about it, but to him, it's just added anxiety. I understand that. I'm trying to just deal with my worries on my own and just try and stay positive; He's looking into going back to school for his teaching certification starting in January, so that's good.

And, speaking of positive, I am very excited about my ceramics class starting tomorrow night. Already cooking up some ideas.

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