So, I was reading all about Guerilla Gardening in that Urban Homesteading book I was talking about a few weeks ago. You take seeds, a little bit of soil, and clay. Roll them into tiny balls, and toss them into vacant lots, roadsides, wherever. So I got a bunch of wildflower seeds, chicory, catchfly, prairie coreopsis, salvias, etc. etc. and made up a batch this weekend. I picked things that are tough native wildflowers that can handle dry conditions and that attract butterlies and bees. I have to wait a few more weeks to toss them out, but they are ready to go. I had leftover clay from Clayworks and I just kneaded it all up together. The idea is that the rain will come and soften the clay, and the bit of soil will help germinate the seeds. There's a lovely vacant lot at work where everyone parks that is begging for it. It gets lots of sun, and I think they will do well there... it never gets mowed along the wall. I love the idea. I hope it works.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Peas are in! OK, I am jumping the gun a bit, but not really that much. They are supposed to be planted around St. Patrick's Day. I realized this weekend that perhaps starting tomato plants in January wasn't the best idea... they're getting really big and starting to take over the house. Some of them are 8 or 10" high already. I potted one of the Thessaloniki's up to a big pot and just stuck it in the kitchen window. It's interesting to me to try planting different kinds at once; I have found tht the Striped Romans are kind of wimps... they are the first ones to wilt and look kind of spindly, while the Thessaloniki's and the Striped Boars are tough, with thick stems already. The Micro Tom's are adorable too. They are literally miniature plants, but look just like tomato plants in every way.
And, the MG is finally listed on Ebay... joy! Hopefully it will be out of my driveway soon and then raised bed construction can begin!
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