Sunday, March 28, 2010

Is the last big cold snap over?

Well, the ultra-frigid temperatures we were supposed to get this weekend weren't quite as bad as they had predicted. One forecast I saw was for 20 degrees on Saturday night, but it didn't end up being that bad. Later this week it's supposed to be absolutely gorgeous, mid to upper 70's. (Nothing can stop me from gardening now!!!) Despite the cold, the tomatoes seem to have fared quite well in their little water teepees, no noticeable damage. I'm going to get wood from the site tomorrow and hopefully I can start putting my beds together this week. It is really amazing how much wood is wasted on construction sites. I always see it and think that someone could use it for something, for firewood if nothing else. So, I'm doing what I can. Anyway, I'd write more, but it's getting pretty late and I have work in the morning. (I also got some great historical/botany books from the library) It should be anther week of drama, unfortunately, but that's another story entirely.

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