Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I just got an estimate from the tree guy about trimming the branch off the black walnut tree in my neighbor's yard. Ugh, the tree guy said I have to ask my neighbor... not because I can't cut it, it's on my side, but because they need to climb the tree to get to the branch, which would involve going into her yard. I want a bit more sun back there, and furthermore, the tree makes a huge mess of the patio. There are always leaves on it, and the black walnuts stain everything. (And now that their pesky little dog is gone, I won't need the supply of black walnut ammo to hurl at him anymore.) I'm just so bad at talking to people, as ridiculous as that sounds. I"m just going to stop by when she's home and ask her; I'll just have to act like an adult and just do it. I'm just going to pretend the whole dog issue never happened and hope she doesn't mention it. I'll bring Olive with me... She's cute, she could diffuse any hostility. I'm sure I'm making a bigger deal of this than I need to, but my social anxiety knows no bounds.

It's going to get colder again this week; I think tomorrow night it is supposed to be 30 degrees. I'm certainly putting those wall-o-water things to the test. I was reading online that you can stick a bottle of hot water in there with them on really cold nights and it helps to keep them warm. I might try that.

I found someone to drill a hole in my hunk-o-granite to make my cobble fountain. Originally I was thinking it would need about a 1/2" hole, but when I was about to drop it off to the stone guy I said to myself, "Gee, Mariah, maybe you should actually get the pump and measure it before you go and pay this guy to drill a hole that you will have to fill in with silicone caulk later because you didn't measure it in the first place." So that's what I'm doing. I'm going to go to the fish store and buy the pump and get tubing that I know fits it, then figure out how big the hole needs to be. Yes, Grasshopper, you are learning.

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